Terms and conditions of sale
The purpose of these general terms and conditions of sale is to govern the contractual relationship between C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl located at 32 rue de Windhof, L-8384 Koerich (RC: 2011 2454 951) and the customer who accepts them. These general terms and conditions of sale specify in particular the conditions for booking, ordering, payment, delivery and management of all services sold on the website. www.wisio.lu
Any order for services placed by a customer will imply the customer's final and irrevocable agreement to all the general terms and conditions of sale set out below and excludes the application of any different or contrary provisions that may appear in the customer's commercial documents or general terms and conditions of purchase.
No special condition may, unless formally accepted in writing by C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl, prevail over these general conditions. Any clause to the contrary laid down by the customer will therefore, in the absence of express acceptance, be unenforceable at C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl, regardless of when it may have been brought to the attention of the latter. The fact that C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl does not avail itself, at a given time, of these general conditions shall not be interpreted as a waiver by the latter to avail itself subsequently of any of the said conditions. C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without notice, it being understood that such modifications will not apply to services already acquired by the customer.
1. Service methodology www.wisio.lu
The aim of the packages on offer is to resolve customers' WEB problems effectively and quickly, according to their needs and digital maturity profile. In order to combine quality of service and personalised, individual support with competitive prices, the Wisio method is based on the automation of information exchange processes with the customer by email. As the processes are clearly defined on the site before any booking is made, it is up to the customer to respect them scrupulously:
Details of the request : the customer must ensure that the specific details of his request are provided
Compliance with the methodology It is the customer's responsibility to follow the method used so that they have all the information they need to find the best solution to their web problem.
Respecting videoconferencing time slots The support process offers the customer several appointment "memos", including the day before and 2 hours before. Any delay on the part of the customer to the videoconference will cut short our service, and any minutes lost will be lost for good, whatever the reason.
Meeting deadlines The customer's information and/or validation must be transmitted in strict compliance with the previously established deadlines.
2. Service philosophy www.wisio.lu
The aim of the Wisio packages is to help customers solve their web problems.
With this in mind, C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl will provide an inventory of fixtures based on the expertise of its staff in relation to the web problem to be solved. These inventories or best practice checklists will list the facts as objectively as possible. Under no circumstances may they be used to implicate the client's suppliers and/or web service providers.
3. Right of withdrawal
As these services are aimed exclusively at professional customers, no right of withdrawal by the customer is applicable to an order booked and paid for online. It should be noted that the purpose of the solutions offered is to resolve web problems quickly, and any possibility of retraction would hinder the smooth running of the rapid response process, including the analysis services prior to the 1ʳᵉ visio. C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl reserves the right to cancel any order without justification and undertakes to refund the order in full as soon as possible.
4. Customer profile and digital maturity
The Customer acknowledges that understanding web techniques and best practice is a complex area of computer technology.
This is why www.wisio.lu offers 4 different packages specifically tailored to the customer's digital profile.
It is the customer's responsibility to correctly assess their digital profile in order to successfully resolve their web problem.
To guarantee the quality of our service, each Wisio package is addressed exclusively to a single contact at a time, and to the same contact throughout the service. Under no circumstances can C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl guarantee :
- that the service booked by the customer will increase his sales
- that the work carried out will automatically generate results
The commitment of C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl is an obligation of means and not of results.
5. Service selection
The website www.wisio.lu offers clearly defined services, in terms of the choice of problem, the type of support, the process, the duration, the deliverables and the price of the overall package.
The customer is therefore solely responsible for his or her choice of package.
The customer undertakes to express his or her needs "correctly" by choosing the appropriate solution and by duly and carefully completing the booking form. Once the appointment has been made and paid for, the customer's request cannot be changed.
6. Execution of the formula selected by the customer
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl undertakes to provide a quality service that strictly complies with the description of the service associated with the customer's order.
The customer undertakes to use the appropriate equipment to ensure that the videoconference takes place in the best possible conditions.
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any failure of the customer's equipment during the video service.
For all its packages, C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl works on the basis of tried and tested processes. In option No. 4, a videoconference meeting is arranged to carry out a 1ʳᵉ validation of the work in progress before finalising it. Modifications during the content creation process, expressed during the videoconference RDV, are included in our services in proportion to the hour credit detailed in the formula. Any request for subsequent modifications, or modifications exceeding the hours specified, will be invoiced in addition at the current hourly rate. (2023: €92 EXCLUDING VAT).
Turnaround times
A delay in supply shall not give rise to any compensation or to cancellation of the order. The delivery times detailed in our processes are maintained as far as possible, but only run from the day on which we are in possession of all the information required to carry out the work. C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl will make every effort to meet this date. However, C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl will only be able to ensure that these dates are met if the customer has provided the documents required to complete the order in electronic format.
7. Ethics and compliance with the law
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl reminds you that the Internet can be considered as a public place and that it is the customer's responsibility to check that the documents supplied, whatever their medium or nature, comply with Luxembourg legislation. The customer alone may be held liable in this respect.
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl undertakes to provide content (intended for the Internet) that does not include any information that is illegal, contrary to public order or morality, whether overt or encrypted, visible or hidden in computer programs.
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl will, without notice and without refund, automatically terminate this contract if the customer is guilty of acts which contravene national or international laws, good morals, established practices, spam, ethical regulations or which may be considered discriminatory on the grounds of sex, religion, race or culture or which could be considered harmful.
8. Impossibility of performance by C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl
If it is impossible to meet the deadlines for personal reasons that are not the fault of the client (holidays, illness, etc.), C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl will inform the client. C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl cannot be held responsible for delays in services to be carried out in the event of force majeure. By force majeure, we mean any circumstances beyond our control and our competence that prevent us from fulfilling our obligations and commitments. This is particularly the case in case of failure of one of the links to the Internet, power failure, failure of the Internet, failure of the telephone exchange, fire, destruction, power failure major, without this list being exhaustive.
In the event of a video appointment cancelled by C. Concept, the customer will select a new appointment at his convenience and according to the availability of the online diaries.
9. Technical support and after-sales service
Wisio formulas N°1, N°2, N°3 and N°4 are one-off services that do not include any technical support or after-sales service. Any additional request will be proposed at the Hourly Rate and the customer will be informed in advance.
The annual Wisio packages include support and after-sales services, which are also described in detail in each package.
10. Secret
The customer authorises C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl to collect personal data and information concerning the customer in a computerised file for internal administration purposes. The content of this file may be requested in writing from C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl and its modification may be requested in accordance with the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy.
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl guarantees that personal information (name, address, telephone numbers, etc.) will not be transferred or sold to a third party without the customer's authorisation. C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl also undertakes not to divulge any information to which it may have had access through the customer, which concerns him directly or indirectly, and which has not previously been publicly disclosed.
11. Changes to legislation
In the event of a change in Luxembourg legislation, this shall apply immediately. If the purpose of the change in this legislation is to make it impossible for one of the parties to perform the contract, it must inform the other party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Should this legislation result in the customer's business becoming unlawful, the sums paid shall be forfeited.
12. Dispute
In the event of any dispute, the parties agree that they will first choose a mediator to settle their dispute. If mediation fails, or if the parties are unable to appoint a mediator within thirty days, the dispute will be referred to the nearest commercial court.
13. Content protection and ethics
The texts, lay-out, drawings, photos, films, graphic elements and other elements of each of our works are protected by copyright. Any copy, translation, arrangement, communication, exploitation, modification of all or part of these works or websites, in any form and by any means whatsoever, electronic, printed or otherwise, is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl. Furthermore, C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl may make use of illustrations, images, java applets, JavaScript codes or any other technology free of right or used under licence in accordance with the terms prescribed by the author of these elements.
Concerning intellectual propertyit is established that :
- All elements supplied by the customer remain the customer's property.
- All elements supplied by C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl (photos, drawings, animations, graphics, etc.) as part of the services provided in our packages become the property of the customer once payment has been made in full.
- Any element supplied by a third party remains their property.
- It is the customer's responsibility to ensure and prove, if necessary, that he owns the rights to the elements he provides to C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl.
- Content protection: All content created by us is protected by a "sui generis" right which authorises us to prohibit any extraction and/or re-use of all or part of this content.
Responsibility for content vis-à-vis a customer :
C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl declines all responsibility for the content (editorial and graphic) of client sites. It is the customer's responsibility to check the origin of the documents made available to C. Concept Luxembourg Sàrl and to pay for any rights of use; the customer therefore assumes all responsibility, including legal fees, in the event of an amicable or legal claim by any third party who considers himself to have been wronged.